Friday, February 4, 2005

popping the cherry

i think that since blog reading has become a recent favorite in my list of pasttimes, i must join the masses and create my own.
particularly since--as anyone who knows me can attest--i have a rather opinionated nature, and i don't tend to hold it back.
so, first thing first.
my blog name: actorkate; no i don't mean "actress"
i cannot tell you the number of times someone (99% someones=males) has had the gall to correct me when i answer the question of my profession by saying i'm an actor.
"you mean actress."
no, honey, i don't. we all know i have bosoms. it's obvious that i am female. what is not obvious is why you feel a need to differentiate between my gender and yours, unless we are at a tranny bar, costume party, or some other such place/event.
and if it seems i'm a bit passionate about this, you're damn right i am.
when's the last time you heard someone refer to doctress ruth westheimer?

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