Saturday, June 16, 2007

plugging away

popping in for a review of 2007 so far. i was just going over my 6 month goals from the new year, and i seem to have achieved about half of them. but still 1/2 of june left to get a few more hammered out.
one of them~maybe the biggest~was to sign with a good theatrical agent. i did sign with a theatrcial agent about a month or so ago. it is a great thing to have them and their reputation in my corner. personal agent (point-person) hasn't managed to send me out yet~although i have procured 3 theatrical auditions on my own since then. i guess it takes a little while for agents to warm up to their new clients~or at least that's what the vast experience of others i know tells me. so i just keep doing what i've been doing~hustling work for myself~and cross my fingers that my proactivity will eventually pay off and my agent will be like "oh hey, i've got a great client here! let me shop her around!"
so meanwhile i went in for a feature film being cast by the fabulous Dori Zuckerman. and i went in for pre-reads and back to producers on the new AMC original series "Mad Men," a Matt Weiner production~which is the same guy who exec prod "The Sopranos" in case you weren't aware. i also just went in for and back to producers yesterday on "Weeds" and am waiting to hear that i booked it :) i would get to work directly with mary louise parker, whose work i completely admire and it would be a great day for me if it happens. all fingers and toes crossed~i rocked my callback so it's all up to ethnicity now.
i have met a ridiculous number of casting directors this year. during pilot season i was still agentless so i attended as many CD workshops as i could afford & had an interest in. i believe i have shown my work to over 25 new casting directors since the new year. that's awesome!
okay, more later, just checking in and making a vow to you and myself (yet again, but i mean it this time....wink) to be less neglectful in my blogging.
thanks for checking in! cheers!

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I loved your appearance on David's show. I hope you took whatever help he was able to give you.

He is THE man about home studios, etc.