Wednesday, March 8, 2006

yadda yadda

okay SO!

josh and i shot MONKEYLUVR at the famous swing club/brown derby "The Derby" (yes, the historical society is considering making this a landmark since it's the first and last of its ilk in l.a.) and had a very successful shoot. it was an overnight, while the club was closed, and things were smooth like buttah! we got everything we needed footage wise, and we've watched it all once already, and will get down to the business of choosing takes and editing starting this weekend. we're very excited and totally pleased with the way things turned out.

mike mechanick, who wrote, composed, and directed the musical film i did last year "finding gloria bainbridge," called me from nawlins last week to let me know that he's recut the film for his sundance (yay!) and other submissions etc., and i'll be getting a copy of that this weekend. screening party of the new cut on friday night. looking forward to it!

still interning over at "24" and the pilot "13 graves"~super cool stuff with an insider info edge. great people, i adore working there.

had 3 auditions and 2 callbacks last week (films, yay) and still working on this theatrical agent. new headshots almost up. disc should arrive today.

back in class with shari shaw~missed her tons. what a great, straight-up, no b.s., no coddling kind of coach. just my thing. so happy to be back in her clutches. ;)

also did a couple of workshops with casting directors thru act now. have another scheduled for april.

that's about it right now. will start rolling around ideas for my feature film script soon!