Friday, December 30, 2005

this is funny, right?

okay, i borrowed this from cynthia's newsletter. just so nutty....

"See if this makes any sense to you whatsoever: A woman in New Mexico believes that for the past five years David Letterman has been sending her coded messages via "special" words, eyebrow movements and body language, during his late night show. These messages have "told" her various things including that he loves her, wants her to give up her life in New Mexico and come to New York because he wanted to marry her and make her his co-host. All of this she says caused her mental cruelty, bankruptcy and sleep deprivation, and she has petitioned a Judge to issue a restraining order against Letterman. The restraining order, which the Judge signed (!), calls for Letterman to say 100 yard away from her at all times, refrain from "connecting" with her. The woman had also asked in her petition (acting as her own attorney) that Letterman refrain from thinking about her, and "release [her] from his mental harrassment and hammering." As you might imagine, Letterman's attorneys are requesting the court toss the restraining order, that it is an abuse of the judicial system and is frivilous. A court date has been set for January 12. And by the way, she also says she's getting mental messages from Regis Philbin and Kelsey Grammer."

Thursday, December 29, 2005

movies movies movies

what better to do during the holiday hiatus than catch up on some movies?
not much! so here's what i've seen so far:

roger dodger: totally weird flick, and completely held my attention in the most skeevy sort of way. strange honest look at the freakiness of being human. and greedy. and egomaniacal. and co-dependent. okay. i'm done.

the chronicles of narnia (LW&W): great great great. i read these books when i was a kid and not the least bit disappointed in the film version. quite well done. i'm looking forward to the next. should be seen on the big screen, fyi.

good night and good luck: excellent work. clooney is really showing his stuff. brilliantly directed and acted. i'll keep my eyes peeled for the oscars which are bound to roll in.

crash: someone told me today that this film is in msn's top 10 worst movies of the year. uhhhhhh.... i don't get that. i guess i think it might have made some people very uncomfortable, enough that they denounce the film as a whole (circa "the passion of the christ") because i thought it was a very compelling film. great cast. and highly culturally relevant. ok, yes, it wasn't "wedding crashers." oh how terrible that someone is making real, important, socially relevant films. (sorry if this opinion offends....)

all told~if you haven't seen these films, i recommend every one. in no particular order. but very very soon.

Friday, December 16, 2005

so saddened by this...

john spencer, gone...

i found my new theatrical agent!

yes, that's right!

he just doesn't know it quite yet.
but this does *not* concern me in the least!
he will be mine....

okay, frankly i know that he generally does not become new rep to people of my (very modest and attractive) hollywood age. HOWEVER, i do not care. i will pursue this till he gets a restraining order... just kidding.... but really, this guy (whose name i shall happily reveal once he signs me) is absolutely at the top of his agent game, while still, for the moment, being at an agency which is not out of my league. his next 5-10 years are going to be amazing. that is obvious.

so for you TAN members who are wondering who the heck i'm jabbering about, i saw him speak at the network last night. hope you did too. unless you're in my category, in which case, the less competition the better. :)

Friday, December 9, 2005

into the holiday season

wow, a lot has been going on, what with thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays fast approaching... things are great, but it's a still a little weird seeing all the houses decorated for the holidays when the weather feels like a different time of year.

let's see... over the last month since i blogged:
  • i have been auditioning regularly (and well! 75% callback ratio)
  • booked and shot a short film
  • continued my studies with john swanbeck and at second city
  • started working on a 2006 film project as a production coordinator
  • test shot with amazing photographer (and new friend~i volunteer with his wife at the animal shelter) kevin mcintyre... that thumbnail is one of his. nice, huh?
  • got my 1 minute reel up on actors access (also linked directly to my site)~and for free! i won a drawing gary marsh did out of the sheila manning event i attended.
  • still interning at 24 and am getting to know some of the producers, which totally rocks
  • got to work pursuing my target list of theatrical agents. i WILL sign with one before i leave town for the holidays!!!!
  • hosted a group brunch meeting/gathering for some actor friends
  • screened the rough cut of my film "in between days" which i finally received from NYC
  • began developing ideas with my writing partner for a short film
  • attended SAG's SAGIndie presentation on low budget contracts

and other stuff... too much really i guess to be blogging all at once. i need to blog more often i think! most important, i have put 3 intentions out into the universe that i am holding to. if you wanna help in any way let me know :)

  1. i will book a paid gig before i leave for the holidays
  2. i will be on a t.v. series within the next 3 months
  3. i will sign with theatrical rep or manager before i leave for the holidays

that's it! now go do your holiday shopping... i want something good!